As a fluid agent within the everchanging art market, we seamlessly integrate diverse artistic practices and perspectives, constantly adapting to current landscapes and trends. Our aim is to creat a dialogue between art and its surroundings, forging meaningful connections between the two.

We offer a range of selected unique pieces, meticulously curated to reflect our artistic vision and expertise. Additionally, we specialize in commissioned projects, tailoring our creations to the unique possibilities and needs of each context. By doing so, we ensure that our work remains relevant, engaging, and resonates deeply with the environment it inhabits.

Through our adaptable approach and commitment to innovation, we position ourselves as catalysts of artistic transformation. By embracing fluidity, we remain at the forefront of the art market, continuously pushing boundaries and redefining artistic expression. Our ultimate goal is to leave a lasting impact, both through the physical realization of our projects and the lasting memories they evoke.

Cristina Moreno GarcĂ­a

*1985, Zaragoza. Lives and works between Palma and Berlin. Curator, artist and cultural manager.

Antoni Amaya Obrador

*1992, Palma. Lives and works between Palma and Lisbon. Artist, communication and advertisement